Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clothing And a Musky Perfume

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Dear Journal/Diary/People who view this,

 Today has been a fantastic day filled with good moods. You know those days right? When you wake up and you look at yourself and think " Dang today I look pretty foxy." I think I'm getting better at getting myself in a good mood. :) And what added to my good mood was purchasing some awesome things at Kohls. I found a perfume that smelled of musky awesomeness, like someone who works with spices and runs through the wheat fields with their golden hair down...none which I do ..but would love to smell like. Plus the cool perfume I bought some cool looking clothing that should keep not-naked some more days.

Besides the nice new rags, I was on gifyo and a guy decided that he should send me a picture of his dearly loved appendage. That brought out the real messed up side of me. The side of me that takes out their talons and will sharpen it on their hid of ego. I quickly responded to him with the message " It's too small" I knew that was what would hit him straight on. He then answered by calling me a whore for needing something bigger and that I was a cunt. Now that enraged me and I responded with " Ooo really now? How was I suppose to respond? Praise you for an appendage millions of males have? No honey, your dick penny is one amongst many. So please kindly fuck off" That shut him up for good. No really tho.
                                                   RANT TIME -----BEWARE
Why do mean believe that their 8 inch dick is so amazing? Sure, sex.. Thats quite fantastic but come on every male is born with one and I'm pretty sure about close to half the world is born with a dick around the same size. You ain't special honey. The only thing that could possible make you special is your personality. That's what you should be beaming not the circumference of your head! I mean even dicks become old and dead with age. It's really grinds my gears.

 Also I came to a conclusion in my life......I really wish I was born in the Renaissance era. I know the medieval torture techniques and high levels of sexism were enough of a grimace that it could leave a bad taste in your mouth. But come on they had men who wooed you with sonnets and songs underneath your window. They had men who asked you to dance and even asked if they could touch your hand. Now a days men don't even ask sometimes..they just think they have ownership of you because they took you to dinner. It's all ridiculous. Maybe I'm just overgeneralizing? What do you think? Or maybe I haven't met him..or her...who knows it could be either?

Having a low opinion of yourself is not modesty. It’s self-destruction.
Bobby Sommer


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